As with Foot Reflexology, Hand and Palm reflexology works on the same principles but is performed on the hands, wrists and lower arms. It is a simple yet effective therapy which is pleasant and deeply relaxing. It helps to relieve lactic acid build up and promotes healing, which is particularly helpful for those who suffer from RSI, De Quervain's Tenosynovitis, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and other occupational health issues.
Foot reflexology is a non-evasive, complementary therapy performed on the feet and hands. Reflexology is based on the understanding that organs, nerves, glands and other parts of the body are connected to reflex areas on feet and hands. This therapy involves applying different levels of pressure to reflex areas to bring about a state of deep relaxation and to stimulate the body's own healing processes. It is a natural therapy that can also be used as a relaxing treatment to increase energy levels, lift body and mind as well as boost the Immune system, Sinus issues, Back pain, Hormonal Imbalances (see Endocrine Balancing), Digestion, Arthritis, sleeplessness and other health issues.
The endocrine system is made up of a network of glands, which must release the correct amount of hormones to maintain our bodily balance. Endocrine Hormone Balancing is a stand-alone treatment which works by manipulating certain reflex points on the feet to stimulate the energy levels and help the endocrine system to function more effectively. This type of massage therapy is performed on the feet and aims to help with Menopausal symptoms and Menstruation disorders
Many women experience symptoms of the menopause and irregular periods for several years up until the the actual menopause hits. This 'before' period is known as the perimenopause’ phase. Our periods can become erratic, in terms of the flow and regularity until our periods finally stop and our entire life is thrown out of balance. We experience brain fog, forgetfulness and low energy levels, struggle with our weight, our skin, low libido, vaginal dryness and a string of other symptoms. This treatment works on specific reflex zones using carefully formulated skin products and aims to bring back homeostasis into your life.
Menstrual disorders are disruptive and can have a major impact on the quality of life, physically as well as emotionally. There is a list of menstrual disorders, for example Dysmenorrhea, Menorrhagia, Premenstrual Dysphonic Disorder (PMDD), Endometriosis, PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). Symptoms are not limited to heavy bleeding, missed periods, back pain, leg pain, abdominal pain/cramps, nausea and vomiting, headaches, irritability and mood swings can occur before and/or during menstruation. Where painful, irregular or heavy periods exist, it is important to address hormonal fluctuation when they are at their most responsive, e.g. on the first day (or as close) to ovulation and the first day (or as close to) menstruation. Treatments are performed on the feet and lower legs and take around 60 minutes. The first treatment includes an initial consultation and can take up to 80 minutes, as we will be discussing personal information regarding lifestyle, diet and nutrition, exercise and activities, stress and anxiety, and emotional aspects and previous medical history. If Endometriosis, PCOS or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is suspected a test by a medical specialist should be taken to confirm this.
Having a baby is not about fertility or implantation of the egg but it is the interconnection and balance of both systems. Reflexology can benefit a woman at every stage of her pregnancy, from conception through all three trimesters, during labour and even post-partum. Pregnancy can be a stressful time for a woman and reflexology can help to support common conditions associated with pregnancy such as tiredness, nausea/morning sickness, pelvic girdle pain and lower back pain, sciatica, heartburn, constipation, insomnia, swollen limbs etc. Women who experience infertility are more likely to suffer from heightened depression and anxiety symptoms than women in general. Stress is a complex condition which affects almost all parts of the body in some way. There is some evidence that to suggest that it may also affect fertility. Feeling stressed may be detrimental t the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy. Reflexology is not an instant route to conception but can help to relax, improve mood, aiding sleep, helping to relieve tension and giving a sense of wellbeing which can help improve a couple’s chance of conception.
Reflexology is not a magic cure-all, cannot guarantee a pregnancy, cannot unblock fallopian tubes, treat clamydia or cure endometriosis. But, Reflexology can make people feel more positive and relaxed by encouraging the body to work more efficiently and create a healthier environment for possible pregnancy to occur. A course of treatment involves weekly one-hour sessions for approximately six to eight weeks. To make an informed and educated decision the Association of Reflexologists released a research paper in 2021 which evaluated complementary therapy as a tool for conception and fertility: Analysis of fertility clinic marketing of complementary therapy add-ons. Another article was published by Jane Holt in September 2014 Can reflexology help overcome infertility?
For most women pregnancy is a time for joy and celebration but they may need some additional support. Reflexology is one option for improving wellbeing. Together with general lifestyle guidance in pregnancy, Reflexology aims to optimise the physical and emotional health of the mother-to-be. Reflexology allows time away from busy day-to-day life and offers a time and space where you can focus purely on yourself and your growing baby and talk about how you are feeling about the arrival of a new baby into your life. Many women are now choosing to have reflexology throughout their pregnancy and postnatally as it can offer many benefits such as aiding relaxation, reducing anxiety, generally de-stressing and improving sleep. Reflexology can be used safely throughout pregnancy; Reflexologists will take a full history to ensure that it’s safe and appropriate to carry out a treatment. Legal & Ethical Issues: Although there is a small risk of miscarriage in any pregnancy there is no evidence that reflexology can cause a miscarriage or increase the risk. A reflexologist does not take sole repsonsibility of care for the client. This can only be the remit of the midwife and the GP. In this situation, a reflexologist works complementary to the existing healthcare team. For more information read this article published by the professional body for reflexology, Association of Reflexologists.