For most women pregnancy is a time for joy and celebration but they may need some additional support. Reflexology is one option for improving wellbeing. Together with general lifestyle guidance in pregnancy, Reflexology aims to optimise the physical and emotional health of the mother-to-be. Reflexology allows time away from busy day-to-day life and offers a time and space where you can focus purely on yourself and your growing baby and talk about how you are feeling about the arrival of a new baby into your life. Many women are now choosing to have reflexology throughout their pregnancy and postnatally as it can offer many benefits such as aiding relaxation, reducing anxiety, generally de-stressing and improving sleep. Reflexology can be used safely throughout pregnancy; Reflexologists will take a full history to ensure that it’s safe and appropriate to carry out a treatment. Legal & Ethical Issues: Although there is a small risk of miscarriage in any pregnancy there is no evidence that reflexology can cause a miscarriage or increase the risk. A reflexologist does not take sole repsonsibility of care for the client. This can only be the remit of the midwife and the GP. In this situation, a reflexologist works complementary to the existing healthcare team. For more information read this article published by the professional body for reflexology, Association of Reflexologists.

  • Category: Conception, Pregnancy & Maternity
  • Service Duration: 01:00 Hours
  • Price:£65.00